What if we are the architects of our own demise!

Destruction-of-Nimrud-1024x482Mentality is key, you can imagine the look on my face when people were refusing the rand, priceless. Picasso and Van Gogh would struggle replicating that look. Who in his mind ever thought Zimbabweans will reject rands?

Nobody, yes nobody, but it’s here and it’s happening.

Everything that happens in our lives is as a result of our thoughts. The thoughts we have every day creates our future. What you believe in is what happens and the question is what if we are the architects of our own demise due to our thoughts, bad thoughts?

Many motivational books shows that mindset is very important. If you want to change things, change your mindset. It all hinges in your mindset. Change does not manifest physically if you don’t change your way of thinking and if you want better results, you have to act different, practice new ways of doing things. This is change which starts within you, the change of your mindset.

Many problems inflicting the human race arise from their thoughts, the way they see things. Stress, high blood pressure, heart attack, giving up, failure and other problems are as a result of one’s thoughts. If you don’t believe in positivity then you are the architect of your own demise. Feeding yourself with negative thoughts is shooting yourself in the foot and digging your own grave. What you feed your mind determines your failure or success. If you feed your mind with negative thoughts, then you are creating your own demise and if you feed it with positive thoughts, then you are giving yourself a balanced diet of success.

To be successful one needs to have a positive mind. Many people who fail, fail not because they lack the ability to run their businesses but they feed their minds with negative thoughts. Picture the case of bond coins, who never knew they will become a medium of exchange and who never knew that rands will be rejected? These are all thoughts, if we believe in something of our own, talk about it and celebrate it, it becomes so famous, so popular that everyone will see a colourful future in it.

Zimbabwe does not need a blue ocean strategy to turn things around. It requires people to change their mindsets, see things differently and embrace change.  Change does not necessarily have to be done instantly but it is done through steps up until there is a total turn around. This will be achieved through shifting our minds to positivity, believing in our own.

We are now believing our bond coins as a form of medium of exchange and store of value. That is exactly the same mindset that is required to be successful.

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